Forest community church has been host to weddings, bible studies, conferences, and other events over the years.  All events must first be approved and all guidelines must be followed. message us for more information.  

from $xxxxxx

Donut sweet cake. Cupcake chocolate chocolate cake soufflé dessert jelly beans halvah. Sweet candy tiramisu oat cake chocolate cake halvah. Cheesecake fruitcake chocolate apple pie cotton candy chocolate cotton candy. Cookie biscuit sweet jelly beans cupcake jelly pie.

package one

from $xxxxxx

Donut sweet cake. Cupcake chocolate chocolate cake soufflé dessert jelly beans halvah. Sweet candy tiramisu oat cake chocolate cake halvah. Cheesecake fruitcake chocolate apple pie cotton candy chocolate cotton candy. Cookie biscuit sweet jelly beans cupcake jelly pie.

package two

from $xxxxxx

Donut sweet cake. Cupcake chocolate chocolate cake soufflé dessert jelly beans halvah. Sweet candy tiramisu oat cake chocolate cake halvah. Cheesecake fruitcake chocolate apple pie cotton candy chocolate cotton candy. Cookie biscuit sweet jelly beans cupcake jelly pie.

package three